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Research and development

We are the innovation laboratory within the tetraeder.group and coordinate the R&D activities within the group. As an R&D-active group, we are always open to new ideas and requests for cooperation.

Insights to our research


Mission and position of tetraeder.dev

With more than 20 years of experience within the group, we have a sound understanding of the application, processing and successful completion of research and development projects, as well as a broad network of cooperation partners from universities and the private sector.

As tetraeder.dev, we participate in funded research and development projects and take on contract developments. Our role is generally that of a technological partner within a cooperation with universities and other companies. We rarely take the lead.

However, we also coordinate the participation of our two sister companies tetraeder.com and tetraeder.solar in research and development projects. As a rule, their role is that of a specialist partner within a cooperation with universities and other companies.

Learned from the ground up

From Research to innovation

Even tetraeder.com's first major product, the Planning Information and Participation Server (PB), emerged directly from the research and doctorate of our Managing Director Dr. Stephan Wilforth. In addition to the innovative product object, the innovative design stands out in particular: the PB was created as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution back in 2003 and was offered as an online application in the cloud.

Product development has also followed an innovative and collaborative approach for over 20 years: part of the customer usage fees flow into the specially created "innovation fund". All further developments of general interest are implemented from the fund with the participation of users. This keeps the application up to date for everyone.

The open exchange with users and continuous participation in research and development projects guarantees the constant improvement of our performance and continuous innovation within our Group.


Innovative solutions for a sustainable future

In addition to the specialist expertise of our sister companies, online participation in tetraeder.com and energy and building management in tetraeder.solar, our expertise is primarily of a technical nature.

Our expertise is the highly efficient processing of large volumes of spatial data. We focus on data management, analysis and forecasting, particularly in the areas of "potential for renewable energies in built-up and undeveloped areas", "potential for adapting to the consequences of climate change" and "potential for reducing energy demand, particularly in buildings". We also develop solutions to inform stakeholders and encourage them to take action.

Our experts are technical planners, geoinformatics specialists and application developers as well as UX/UI specialists. Our self-developed solutions have been setting standards in the industry for years.

As the market leader in the field of online participation, we open up opportunities for the general public to participate in sustainable development and the creation of an environment worth living in.

As the market leader in the field of potential registers, we create a new spatial understanding of the urgently needed energy transition.

As the market leader in the field of highly efficient data storage and on-demand calculation, we offer market players an innovative way to integrate our data and the associated tools with the API interface.


Our partnerships and goals 

We are constantly driven by challenges and the search for solutions. We cooperate with energy suppliers, grid operators, local authorities, state and federal institutions as well as universities and research institutes and many other stakeholders on the topics of citizen participation and the energy and heat supply of the future. Our aim is to collect and process the necessary data and make it available in such a way as to enable the effective design of spaces and infrastructure.

We are therefore open to partnerships and research projects that pursue this goal together with us. Get to know our team and let's talk about how we can work together.

Are you interested in a collaboration?

We are open to partnerships and research projects that share our goal of making data available in a way that enables the effective design of spaces and infrastructure. Get to know our team and let's talk about how we can work together.

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